Models are
Magic Store shots from CMU advance pipline animation final project.
lights, rigs, broom’s nhair ,modeling of broom, rigged book, aisle shelf by me.
Bi- pedal : Alex model from MCAP
Quadrupedalism: Eater model by Truong CG
Collection of work from past projects.
1st: rigging and lighting artist for group project. (rigged book, broom)
2nd,3rd,4th: From animation course in AAU. Animated the models. (rig, and model provided by AAU)
5th: Human rig. model provided by AAU
6th: Personal Project. Modeled and rigged to mimic the “Dominator” Gun from “Psychopass” Anime.
7, 8th: eater and book rig. Eater model was from turbosquid, and rigged it differently personally.
rigged and modeled book for the group project.