Location: Pittsburgh, PA.
Projection Design by Yoonseo(Dave) Choi
Contents by Advanced animation studio class in Carnegie Mellon University
Collaboration project with Exploded Ensemble and Activating the Body

Theme was Library of Babel and we have gathered contents from the individual projects in class.
We separated red channel and cyan to create an anaglyph effect on videos. I have used Isadora software to map and control the videos live with effects. For this minutes show, i have added variety of effects from Isadora which were dots, inversion of color, motion blur and switch between videos on each display/projectors.
Isadora Setup for main videos

Media diagram

Due to our MacPro(Trash can) only able to output 3 displays. I was forced to use two projectors on the main media hub and separate sub laptop for third projector.
We had one live input from another laptop.
It was for content with live motion capture in blender which moves the character in the video.
We used black magic to get live feed screen from the computer and made input for Isadora.
A musician performs during the concert portion of the evening.